A little about Judy…

She is JUDY

She is an avid reader, thriver, perseverer, learner, yoga lover, Scrabble player, hiker, teacher, coach, friend, traveller, and solo mamma.

She is A MOM

She has three kids who are her heart. Not much she wouldn’t and hasn’t done for them. They are ages 23, 21, and 15. A sibling group of 3 that each came home as infants. All came to her through adoption. They were all prenatally drug exposed (FASD likely), have autism as well as ADHD, and a grocery list of other diagnoses. Her parenting journey has not been a cake walk AND most days, she is thankful she gets to travel this crazy journey.


Six and a half years ago her world crashed down around her. She was left to parent six traumatized children on her own (She was a foster parent of three at the time). Her former husband was escorted from their home because of choices he made. Utterly devastated, betrayed, and broken, she gradually picked up the pieces and shaped them into a new, happier, healthier picture. She NEVER could have done this without a number of key friends, coaches, and counselors.

She is A COACH

EVERYTHING she has journeyed through has put her in an incredibly unique position to coach mommas of children with prenatal drug exposure, FASD, and/or autism. It has molded her into the person and coach she is today. She has been mentored and counselled by some of the best in their field.

In January 2021, she began working with FASCETS in their year long Neurobehavioral facilitator training. She is using this training as well as 16 years of classroom teaching, 20 years of parenting experience and counselling in her coaching work. She is honoured that she GETS to walk alongside other mommas, supporting, guiding, and encouraging them on this intense, gut wrenching and rewarding parenting journey.

You belong here. ♡